Saturday, September 17, 2011

rant rant roar!

It's always a little funny, the things we take for granted, the things we don't, all the things that some say are beautiful, and you know you're thinking

"that bugger, always talking about something being beautiful, doesnt he know he cheapens the word by using it like that...and bloody I just want a beer, even this pale watery stuff in a plastic glass, not a lecture on the psychological inconsistencies of the english language, it's a friday come on I've been at that damn dataset the whole day"

all the pretty little flaws of the people around us, all that poetic talk of mystic meaning, you can all take a walk, i'm tired of all this over thinking, of trying to be clever why cannot people just be themselves. life would be easier wouldn't it. and then some smart ass says

"that guy, wow, he's so honest, I mean, he's got problems, but who doesn't. He could grow up a bit he's quite a child actually he is a child."

jeez, all I wanted was a beer! and a comfortable pre-midnight talk and off to bed and dream dreams no one else can see like what Bryan Adams said. and get up fix a strong cup of tea and toast and oatmeal and engage in pleasing, involving scholarly conduct. instead I get a debate or a lecture, my word, what efforts we put into friday evenings.

so anyway, I need to go, time and tide wait for no man etc.


colours said...

ha ha ha. does 'that guy' read this blog? I totally agree. I felt a lil like that on that other day too when they were going on about the education system...

k said...

I don't mind a bit of talk, I like it really but some people sometimes uff

k said...

at r&l's place for instance, it was actually quite fun

k said...

and actually come to think of it, the fact is its better to have something to get annoyed over than to have something to bore you

so now I understand my predilections